TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2025 @ 5:30 P.M.
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Jefferson City Council will be held on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 5:30 PM at the Transportation Center at 305 E. Austin Street, Jefferson, Texas, at which time the subjects to be considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below. Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on the meeting notice. Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified with the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.
Public Comments –
- Public Comments will only be taken during the Public Comments section of the agenda.
- Must sign up in advance on the list and must limit to 3 minutes conversation.
- Jefferson City Council may ask questions but shall not discuss items that are not on the agenda.
- On a subject that is not on the agenda, a person may request to add an item to a future City Council Agenda by contacting City Hall. The deadline for the request to be placed on an agenda for consideration must be received with all corresponding documents by 5pm the Wednesday before the regularly scheduled meeting.
- While civil public criticism is not prohibited; disorderly conduct or disturbance of the peace as prohibited by law shall be cause for the chair to terminate the offender’s time to speak.
- PRESENTATIONS – Limited to 10 minutes each
a. Northeast Texas Municipal Water District (NETMWD) Quarterly Update – George Otstott
b. Update from Specialized Public Finance on Texas Water Development Loans –
a. Accounting Software: City Office will be closed Thursday, March 27th for conversion processes.
b. Streets: Highway 59 ditch clean up from Bulldog Drive to Pine Hill Drive
- CONSENT AGENDA (City Council reserves the right to remove items from the Consent Agenda and consider and/or approve individually)
a. Consider and/or approve February 11, 2025 Special Council meeting minutes.
b. Consider and/or approve February 18, 2025 Regular Council meeting minutes.
c. Consider and/or approve February Monthly Financial Reports.
d. Consider and/or approve revised Special Event Application for the Jefferson Historic Pilgrimage for May 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th 2025 and parade on May 3rd, 2025 to include Batemans Alley along Otstott Park from Vale Street to behind the Excelsior Hotel.
e. Consider and/or approve the Jefferson Salutes America event application to be held on July 4th, 2025.
f. Consider and/or approve Zackary Baldwin’s resignation without two weeks’ notice to be effective February 20, 2025.
g. Consider and/or approve hiring Robert McBride in the Street Department at the rate of $12.00 per hour to be effective March 19, 2025.
h. Consider and/or approve Earth Day dumpster locations and workers on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 8am until 5pm or until dumpsters are full.
a. Discuss, consider and/or approve a Resolution opposing the sale of any water rights or its equivalent by the North East Texas Municipal Water District from Lake O’ Pines and opposing measures that hinder public scrutiny and competition.
b. Discuss, consider and/or approve action upon a Resolution Directing Publication of Notice of Intention to Issue $605,000 in Combination Tax and Surplus Revenue Certificates of Obligation to Provide Funds for Water System Improvements; and Resolving other Matters Relating to the Subject.
c. Discuss, consider and/or approve the Agreement between the City of Jefferson and Schaumburg & Polk, Inc. for engineering services in connections with the Lift Station Generators Hazard Mitigation Grant Project, Contract DR-4485-0204
d. Discuss, consider and/or approve JEDCO recommendation to adopt a new policy for recruitment and appointment of JEDCO board members as well as a board membership application.
e. Discuss, consider and/or approve the agreement between the City of Jefferson and IUSO for Utility Billing Printing and Mailing Services.
f. Discuss, consider and/or approve the agreement between the City of Jefferson and First Data Merchant Services for credit card payments on Utility Billing.
g. Discuss, consider and/or approve the Public Utility Commission of Texas Telecommunication Right-Of-Way Rates for 2025 as allowed on 2025 the Consumer Price Index Adjustment to Municipal Telecommunications Right-Of-Way Access Line Rates.
h. Discuss, consider and/or approve drawing up an ordinance making it unlawful to feed animals or birds on public property.
i. Discuss, consider and/or approve hiring the Willdan Company to perform building inspections for the city of Jefferson with fees from building permits to pay for the inspection. (Tabled from 10/29/2024 and 1/21/2025 Council Meetings)
a. Discuss 50/49 percent potential offer from the Texas Water Development Board for funding on the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Lead Service Line Replacement Program for planning.
b. Discussion on how to begin process of selling City property to raise capital for upcoming City projects
c. Discussion on forming a Strategic Plan Committee to study and to make Recommendations to City Council on its Implementation
- Council Initiatives update:
- Firehouse & City Hall structure – Bubba
- Stop & street signs plus city street painting updates – TBD
- Employee Handbook redo – Robin
- Street campaigns – TBD
- Drainage items –April
- Cemetery needs – Ray
- Building inspector & ordinances – Ray
- City Limits & Floodplain surveys – Robin
- Mass Communication & town siren – Hollis
- General Grant needs & mgmt. – TBD
- City parks – Hollis
- City signage in streets, sidewalks, city ROWs, private property – Hollis
- “Welcome to Jefferson” signs on Hwy 59 (current condition, potential plans, funding, volunteer groups, on-going maintenance, etc.) – April
The Jefferson City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the Course of the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above or below, as authorized by the Texas Government Code.
a. Section 551.071 – Consultation with an Attorney
b. Section 551.072 – Deliberations concerning Real Property
c. Section 551.073 – Deliberations concerning gifts/donations
d. Section 551.074 – Deliberations concerning Personnel Matters: (appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee)
e. Section 551.076 – Deliberation concerning Municipal Security
f. Section 551.087 – Economic Development
Certificate of Posting
I, Melissa Boyd, City Secretary for the City of Jefferson, Texas do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted at City Hall, 102 N. Polk Street, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on this the 14th day of March 2025, at 5:15 pm. and remained to posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.
Melissa Boyd, City Secretary
ATTENDANCE BY OTHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS: It is anticipated that members of the City Council, or other city board, commissions and/or committees (JEDCO, Tourism, Citizen Action and Diversity, Core Team, Planning and Zoning, Quiet Zone, etc.) may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also noticed as a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance. The members of the boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussions on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for an on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.