TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024 @ 5:30 P.M.


Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Jefferson City Council will be held on Tuesday, July 16, 2024 at 5:30 PM at the Transportation Center at 305 E. Austin Street, Jefferson, Texas, at which time the subjects to be considered or upon which any formal action may be taken are as listed below.  Items do not have to be taken in the order shown on the meeting notice.  Unless removed from the consent agenda, items identified with the consent agenda will be acted on at one time.



Public Comments –

  • Public Comments will only be taken during the Public Comments section of the agenda.
  • Must sign up in advance on the list and must limit to 3 minutes conversation.
  • Jefferson City Council may ask questions but shall not discuss items that are not on the agenda.
  • On a subject that is not on the agenda, a person may request to add an item to a future City Council Agenda by contacting City Hall. The deadline for the request to be placed on an agenda for consideration must be received with all corresponding documents by 5pm the Wednesday before the regularly scheduled meeting.
  • While civil public criticism is not prohibited; disorderly conduct or disturbance of the peace as prohibited by law shall be cause for the chair to terminate the offender’s time to speak.
  1. Comprehensive Strategic Plan: Final Presentation

a. Texas Target Communities – Jeewasmi Thapa, AICP Senior Program Coordinator Texas

  1. PRESENTATIONS – Limited to 10 minutes each

a. JEDCO – Jamey Parsons

b. Tourism – Colleen Taylor

c. FOJA – Sharon Goolsby

d. Planning & Zoning – Cindy Pinkerton

e. Marion County Community Center – Hugh Lewis

f. Jefferson Volunteer Fire Department – Victor Perot

  1. CONSENT AGENDA (City Council reserves the right to remove items from the Consent Agenda and consider and/or approve individually)

a. Consider and/or approve June 18, 2024 Regular Council meeting minutes.

b. Consider and/or approve Monthly Financial Reports.

c. Consider and/or approve Quarterly Financial Reports.

d. Consider and/or approve hiring Dennis Swan in the Water/Sewer Department at the rate of $12.00 per hour to be effective July 22, 2024.

e.  Consider and/or approve the Annual Hometown Christmas Parade event application to be held on November 30, 2024.

f. Consider and/or approve appointment of Karen Jones to calculate tax rates.


a. Consider, discuss, and/or approve Engel Ventures LLC amended application for building permit. (217 W Lafayette) (Variance previously approved on 2/21/23; Original building permit previously approved on 9/19/23)

b. Consider, discuss, and/or approve a contract between The City of Jefferson and Pathways Physicians Tx, LLC for a Telehealth Solution package and billing tele-health services through the customer utility bills.

c. Consider, discuss, and/or approve Ramco’s quote for Body Cameras and Dash-Cameras with accessories, setup, training, consulting, service plan, and maintenance for the Police Department.

d. Consider, discuss, and/or approve budget amendment to transfer $62,348 from Vehicle Capital Outlay, 01-5825-73-00 and $148.42 from Miscellaneous 01-5990-73-00 to Cameras 01-5650-73 for fees associated with Ramco’s quote for Body Cameras and Dash-Cameras with accessories, setup, training, consulting, service plan, and maintenance for the Police Department.

e. Consider, discuss, and/or approve the 2025 TMRS Employee Retirement Plan City Contribution Rate of .97%

f. Consider, discuss, and/or approve setting dates and times for the 2024/2025 budget workshops.

g. Consider, discuss, and/or approve appointment to JEDCO by Mayor Finstrom. (Tabled from June 18, 2024 meeting)

h. Consider, discuss, and/or approve appointment to JEDCO by Ald. Hollis Shadden.

i. Consider, discuss, and/or approve the recommendation of the Selection Review Committee to award a Bond Council to assist in obtaining loan and/or grant funding and to provide legal opinion with respect to validity of any debt obligations issued by the City for capital financing for a period of 5 years; preparation of resolution authorizing and securing the debt and/or authorizing any grant agreements as necessary in conjunction with the application submitted for funding through the Texas Water Development Board Lead Service Line Replacement – Inventory & Construction, if awarded.

j. Consider, discuss and/or approve the recommendation of the Selection Review Committee to award an Engineering Firm for engineering services associated with proposed acquisition, design and/or construction of improvements to the City’s sewer system, including repairs, rehabilitation and/or improvements to waste water treatment plant, sewer lines, lift stations, manholes, valves, fittings, and related infrastructure improvements; and assistance in application preparation and documentation to federal, state, and other possible funding sources in conjunction with the application submitted for funding through the Texas Water Development Board Lead Service Line Replacement – Inventory & Construction, if awarded.

k. Consider, discuss, and/or approve the recommendation of the Selection Review Committee to award a Financial Advisor for strategic financial planning; analysis of market conditions; recommend investments of bond proceeds; provide recommendations to the City for financing through programs established by the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB), including loan and grant funding for a period of 5 years in conjunction with the application submitted for funding through the Texas Water Development Board Lead Service Line Replacement – Inventory & Construction, if awarded.

l. Consider, discuss, and/or approve authorizing the City Attorney to create an Ordinance that will allow any one City Council member to add an item to the agenda without prior approval by the Mayor.


a. Review and discuss the notice received from Northeast Texas Municipal Water District (NETMWD) containing information on the district’s FY 2025 budget, water rate increase (starting October 1, 2024), public hearing date, and possible adoption.

b. Discuss three (3) Estimated Opinions of Probable Construction Cost:

  1. Market St. (Austin to Dallas) Water and Gravity Sewer Improvements ($179,159);
  2. Market St. (Austin to Dallas) Water and Gravity Sewer Improvements ($217,884);
  3. Dallas St. (Market to Vale) Water and Gravity Sewer Improvements ($496,768)

c. Discuss current information on the status of the water/sewer lines related to the Ponder building permit that was previously submitted for the last May meeting. (Buildings A, B, C, D, and Gazebo for 220 Austin St.) (Ald. Haggard)

d. Discuss current information on the status of the water meter warranty issue. (Ald. Haggard)

e. Council Initiatives update:

  1. Firehouse & City Hall structure – Bubba
  2. Stop & street signs plus city street painting updates – Will
  3. Employee Handbook redo – Robin
  4. Drainage items – Will & April
  5. Cemetery needs – Ray
  6. Building inspector & ordinances – Ray
  7. Legal items and on-going case load – Baker
  8. City Limits & Floodplain surveys – Robin
  9. Mass Communication & town siren – Hollis
  10. General Grant needs & mgmt. – Will
  11. City parks – Hollis
  12. Event town hall – Ray
  13. Railroad projects – Baker
  14. City signage in streets, sidewalks, city ROWs, private property – April
  15. “Welcome to Jefferson” signs on Hwy 59 (current condition, potential plans, funding, volunteer groups, on-going maintenance, etc.) – April



The Jefferson City Council reserves the right to adjourn into Executive Session at any time during the Course of the meeting to discuss any of the matters listed above or below, as authorized by the Texas Government Code.

a. Section 551.071 – Consultation with an Attorney

b. Section 551.072 – Deliberations concerning Real Property

c. Section 551.073 – Deliberations concerning gifts/donations

d. Section 551.074 – Deliberations concerning Personnel Matters: (appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee)

e. Section 551.076 – Deliberation concerning Municipal Security

f. Section 551.087 – Economic Development


a. Return to Open Session and take action as a result of discussions in preceding:

  1. Agenda item 10b. Section 551.072 – Deliberations concerning Real Property

Certificate of Posting

I, Melissa Boyd, City Secretary for the City of Jefferson, Texas do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted at City Hall, 102 N. Polk Street, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on this the 12th day of July 2024, at 5:00 pm and remained to posted for at least 72 continuous hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting.

Agenda posted on city website at 5:40 pm on July 12, 2024.

Melissa Boyd, City Secretary 

ATTENDANCE BY OTHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS: It is anticipated that members of the City Council, or other city board, commissions and/or committees (JEDCO, Tourism, Citizen Action and Diversity, Core Team, Planning and Zoning, Quiet Zone, etc.) may attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees.  Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also noticed as a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance.  The members of the boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussions on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for an on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.