THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 2023 @ 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Jefferson Comprehensive Planning Task Force will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2023 from 6:00 – 7:30 PM via TEAMS at the following link:
Meeting ID: 289 253 683 861
Passcode: 3L4Mz6
If you need a local number, get one here. And if you’ve forgotten the dial-in PIN, you can reset it.
Toll number: +1 940-222-6533
Conference ID:
358 271 94#
Local Number : Reset Pin :
Meeting Objectives: To present data and preliminary findings for transportation.
Goal of the meeting
Update on the information we have gathered so far
Present some preliminary goals, ideas, and strategies to gain feedback and guidance
Transportation Presentation
Current Conditions
Community Comments
Next steps
ATTENDANCE BY OTHER ELECTED OR APPOINTED OFFICIALS: It is anticipated that members of the City Council, or other city board, commissions and/or committees (JEDCO, Tourism, Citizen Action and Diversity, Core Team, Planning and Zoning, etc.) may or may not attend the meeting in numbers that may constitute a quorum of the other city boards, commissions and/or committees. Notice is hereby given that the meeting, to the extent required by law, is also noticed as a meeting of the other boards, commissions and/or committees of the City, whose members may be in attendance. The members of the boards, commissions and/or committees may participate in discussions on the same items listed on the agenda, which occur at the meeting, but no action will be taken by such in attendance unless such item and action is specifically provided for an on an agenda for that board, commission or committee subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Certificate of Posting
I, Melissa Boyd, City Secretary for the City of Jefferson, Texas do hereby certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted at City Hall, 102 N. Polk Street, a place readily accessible to the general public at all times, on this 6th the day of March, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
Melissa Boyd, City Secretary